
Centre for Indigenous Support and Community Engagement

Centre for Indigenous Support and Community Engagement (CICSE) provides students, staff and faculty at Carleton with culturally safe spaces for dialogue and learning. They do this by nurturing a sense of belonging for Indigenous students, and by developing and delivering resources and training to educate the Carleton community about the experiences, histories and worldviews of Indigenous peoples. All of this work is guided by their deep connection to ancestral teaching and recognition of the Algonquin people within whose territory Carleton is located.

Counselling for Indigenous Students

The Centre for Indigenous Support and Community Engagement offers culturally centered individual counselling to students who self-identify as First Nation, Metis or Inuk. Through this service, Indigenous students can access confidential, individual sessions for support with personal, mental health or academic challenges.

To book an appointment, please contact:

Staci-Ann Loiselle, M.Ed.,C.C.C., R.P.
Indigenous Cultural Counsellor

Riley Godin, M.C., C.C.C., R.P. (Métis)
IESP Specialist and Counsellor

Ojigkwanong Indigenous Student Centre

The Ojigkwanong Indigenous Student Centre is a place where First Nation, Métis and Inuit students can study, socialize, and participate in academic and cultural programming. It features a medicine lodge, kitchenette, lounge, study space, computer lab and telephone booth.

The Ojigkwanong Indigenous Student Centre is located in 228 Paterson Hall and can be accessed Monday – Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Ottawa Indigenous Services

Click here to view a list of Indigenous Services in Ottawa.

Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards

In addition to Carleton University’s Undergraduate Bursaries, Scholarships and various federal and provincial student loan programs, Indigenous students are eligible for a wide range of Indigenous Student Awards. Please click here to view the list of awards for Indigenous students.

Carleton University Student Association (CUSA)

Mawandoseg Centre logoThe Mawandoseg Centre aims to be a safe(r) space for Indigenous students at Carleton and works to address the specific needs of the various Indigenous communities in and around the university. The Centre is also the leading point of contact for non-Indigenous students looking to connect and learn more about Indigenous cultures and histories.

For more information, please visit the Mawandoseg Centre website.